Enhanced DBS Checks
Having received news that shortly Armed Maritime Security Officers, on UK registered ships only for the time being, must be authorised to possess a range of firearms, including those requiring an authority from the Secretary of State for the Home Department, under the section 5 of the Firearms Act 1968. GMRS are in a position to apply for an Enhanced DBS check on your behalf. All we are after for the moment is for you to show interest in us obtaining this for you, there is a cost element in this, but as we will be in a position to “Buy in Bulk” you will get this at a cheaper cost than anywhere else.
Simply let us know by email and we can start creating a list of names. We, ideally, would like to be able to start applying for these by the end of May. If you can reply by 18th of May 2013, we will then have time to confirm numbers and prices’. How we will be collecting payment from you will be released closer to the time.
In the meantime if you have any questions about this please get in touch.
Best Regards,
GMRS Management