A new coin for 2014 that commemorates the centenary of the First World War has been produced by the Royal Mint.
It is part of a raft of new coins each marking British anniversaries including a 50 pence piece commemorating the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow next year.
The coin marking the outbreak of the First World War features a design that mimics the instantly recognisable call to arms by Lord Kitchener Lord Kitchener pointing out from the face of the coin as he did from the contemporary posters asking people at the time to sign up for the Army.
Kevin Clancy, director of the Royal Mint Museum, said the coin was the first in a series that would follow the progress of the war over the next five years.
“There is a programme of coins to mark the centenary of the beginning of the First World War.”
Original article written by and sourced from – bfbs.com